
Is Hunter X Hunter A Good Anime

Cheeky Kid has been watching anime and reading manga for as long as he can think. Doing and so takes him to different worlds.

Hunter X Hunter (2011)

Hunter X Hunter (2011)

Hunter X Hunter is i of the most awesome adventure-action shounen anime out at that place, with a well-rounded entirety and a much-anticipated plot. Every bit a matter of fact, if yous've been following this series so far, yous'd know that information technology's actually a reboot called Hunter Ten Hunter (2011), which is proof of how remarkable and amazing information technology is! Information technology proved exactly that when it showed in 2011.

I've been a fan and gorging watcher ever since it came into beingness. I've watched its old version, the new version (reboot), and fifty-fifty read the manga. I tin evidence that it merely is brilliant and awe-inspiring. The story, the activeness, the drama, the scenes, and more—everything'south essentially splendid! At present, If only more people would watch it.

And so, I'g here not simply to tell you lot how practiced it is, but also to share some anime titles with you that take that same fantastic aura.

Commencement, in case you aren't familiar with it:

Plot Summary of Hunter X Hunter

Left in the care of his aunt past his father, who happens to be a hunter—a glamorous championship conforming only the most powerful, strongest, and most talented people—Gon Freecs grows upward assertive that being a hunter must exist something really great; it fabricated his father leave him to grow up without him.

And so, at the historic period of 12, Gon embarks on his own journey to be a hunter and seek his male parent. Of course, the path is laden with difficulties that are extremely dangerous and ofttimes deadly. But, with Gon's stiff will and back up from his newfound friends, he'll overcome any hardship in order to become a great hunter and fulfill his wildest dreams.

Anime Similar to Hunter 10 Hunter

  1. Nanatsu no Taizai (The Seven Mortiferous Sins)
  2. Naruto
  3. Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
  4. One Piece
  5. Yu Yu Hakusho
  6. No Game No Life
  7. Globe Trigger
Nanatsu no Taizai (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Nanatsu no Taizai (The 7 Deadly Sins)

1. Nanatsu no Taizai (The Seven Deadly Sins)

The Story: When the kingdom of Liones falls into the hands of its traitorous Holy Knights, Princess Elizabeth is left with no choice but to seek the kingdom'southward most wanted criminals—the Nanatsu no Taizai (Vii Deadly Sins)—and ask them for help. Despite the group having been missing for 10 years, Princess Elizabeth never lost her faith in them; instead, she believes that everything that has happened and then far was premeditated by the evil Holy Knights of the kingdom, who are brewing a devastatingly dreadful plan. Now traveling as the "Rusty Knight," Princess Elizabeth stumbles upon the Boar Chapeau Bar—the traveling bar where fate has arranged for her to meet the Dragon'due south Sin of Wrath, Meliodas.

The Similarity: Nanatsu no Taizai is a grand adventure-activeness anime. What makes it dandy is that information technology follows a very well-balanced formula that actually makes sense. The battles aren't just mindless fights where the characters throw in everything they've got; they are set up in such a way that you experience the excitement and thrill in every plough and twist. And the take a chance—it'south true to its proper noun! The characters are on an exhilarating take a chance with surprises jumping out now and then. Lastly, the plot is extravagant and highly engaging. It's funny when you demand information technology to be comedic, and information technology's serious when the situation asks for it. Truly, this anime, much similar Hunter X Hunter, can get you really involved and engaged with the story, its progress, and its characters.



2. Naruto

The Story: Called Naruto (the starting time half) and Naruto Shippuden (the second one-half), this ballsy ninja tale tells the story of Uzumaki Naruto and his legendary ninja quest to become the Hokage of his village, Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Hamlet). Having been shunned all his life because of the "nine-tailed demon fox" sealed inside him, Naruto has e'er longed for recognition, which shapes his mischievous yet lonely personality. He's not that talented, and about of the time gawky, merely he has a big dream and a big center, all of which volition bring him to the grand plan destiny has for a gutsy ninja like him.

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The Similarity: Not counting the countless mostly boring fillers, Naruto deserves recognition for beingness an epic ninja anime. From the very commencement episode, you see how all the master characters are growing into something brilliantly meaningful equally the story progresses. Through thick and thin, everyone is always interesting. And the battles do go a "superpower" experience as the story progresses, but they're still very intense and heady still. Overall, you feel some ups-and-downs watching Naruto, depending on how yous translate it and how yous proceed up with its main plot, simply its similarity with Hunter Ten Hunter is quite profound if you await more closely at the themes.

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

3. Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

The Story: Magical labyrinths called dungeons have suddenly appeared throughout the earth, and they promise immense wealth and ability to those who successfully conquer them. It's not that piece of cake a job though, considering endless have tried only to meet their untimely demise!

Somewhere in the earth out there is a fellow named Alibaba Saluja. He dreams of conquering a dungeon 1 day so he can realize his dreams and aspirations. One twenty-four hours, he meets a male child named Aladdin who seems like a normal boy, simply whose entire identity and being is a mystery. Later on on, both Alibaba and Aladdin find themselves on an take a chance together, trying to conquer their very starting time dungeon—Amon's Dungeon!

The Similarity: Magi might look very magical and innocent at get-go, but actually, it'due south darker than anyone would have thought. Some characters in this testify only seem to dice off in a very untimely and unexpected manner. Though it has its light and warm moments, the underlying plot is serious and dark. Similar to Hunter X Hunter, Magi leads u.s.a. on a world-class chance with jubilant characters in a realm full of despair and depravity.

One Piece

One Piece

four. One Slice

The Story: Following the demise of Gol D. Roger the Pirate Male monarch and his revelation of an unbelievable treasure (the "One Piece"), the golden age of pirates commences, with many pirates setting off on their own bounding main-faring adventures, seeking the Ane Piece and the title of Pirate King. One of the budding pirates is Monkey D. Luffy. With his unorthodox (actually unpirate-like) ways, he sets off on a gigantic voyage with the "Straw Hat Pirates" to search for reliable and powerful crew members, find the legendary treasure One Slice, and ultimately become the Pirate King.

The Similarity: One word: Adventure! One Piece is one of the grandest and biggest when it comes to adventure, and that's where it is equal to Hunter X Hunter, with One Piece really taking the atomic number 82. The only departure is that 1 Piece's battle scenes aren't that well-idea-out and strategic; they are more power-and-punch clashes. But, in terms of story, plot, drama (not quite), activeness, comedy (1 of its greatest strengths), and adventure—I Piece is a really peachy anime series to sentry!

Yu Yu Hakusho

Yu Yu Hakusho

5. Yu Yu Hakusho

The Story: When Yusuke Urameshi, a troublesome delinquent teenager, all of a sudden dies because of a selfless action (saving a child from getting hit past a car), he finds himself a ghost, not knowing what to do next. Equally a ghost, he is tested by Koenma, the son of the ruler of the afterlife, to see if he's fit to return to life and exist a spirit detective. Yusuke passes the exam of Koenma and returns to life. Only now, as a spirit detective, he has to help in investigations of the supernatural entities in the earth (the demons) and capture them or boxing it out with them if necessary.

The Similarity: If you've watched both Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter X Hunter already, and so I'm sure y'all'd notice the vast similarity in both, particularly the characters. There are a lot of character counterparts: Yusuke and Gon, Killua and Hiei, Leorio and Kuwabara, and Kurapika and Kurama. Too that, the overall themes are quite similar. Information technology just so happens that Yu Yu Hakusho is older and already one of the classics. But all that having been said, the sameness is rooted in the fact that both anime were created by the same person: Yoshihiro Togashi.

No Game No Life

No Game No Life

half dozen. No Game No Life

The Story: Shiro and Sora are both known as the legendary gamer "Blank." Every bit a brother and sister sharing a very deep bond and living as Hikikomori North.East.E.T.s, both accept managed to interruption the limits of gaming and brainstorm questioning whether they were built-in into the right globe. I day, a bulletin from the god of another world arrives, request if they would want to be summoned to a different globe. That god is a male child named Tet who is the i true god of the world of Disboard: a world where there is no murder and crime, and where conflicts are resolved past games. Now, Shiro and Sora will grind their way from the lesser to the superlative in order to gain the right to challenge the one true god, Tet himself.

The Similarity: If you liked how the battles were laid out in Hunter 10 Hunter, as if everyone was fighting a battle of non only power and force but of mind and wits, and so y'all'll surely notice the aforementioned satisfaction with No Game No Life. Although No Game No Life has little to no physical gainsay or fight scenes, information technology makes upwardly for that with its mind-blowing listen battles/games. In the earth of Disboard, force and power commonly have picayune effect in a battle; what matters is the ability of the mind, in guild to pull out brilliant strategies and prodigious tactics in the blink of an eye. Similar Hunter X Hunter, No Game No Life is also set in a fantasy world full of mystery, so I'thou sure you'll similar it just every bit much.

World Trigger

World Trigger

vii. World Trigger

The Story: When beings from another globe, known equally "Neighbors," suddenly appear in the heart of Mikado City through a dimensional gate, they bring destruction in their wake. Fortunately, an organization of mysterious yet powerful people known equally the "Edge" jumps into the fray to stop the neighbors' invasion. At present, Border serves as a chore force securing peace and club in Mikado City, ensuring safety when neighbors suddenly set on.

Years after the attack and the formation of Border, a mysterious boy named Kuga Yuuma transfers to a school in Mikado City. His identity is a mystery and his goals are unknown, but he is an experienced combatant and claims to exist a Neighbour from the other world.

The Similarity: While Hunter X Hunter is set in a more electric current world and fourth dimension, Globe Trigger is on the Sci-Fi side of things. And while Hunter X Hunter has amend story development and action scenes, Earth Trigger has entrancing elements of its own. For one, the battle scenes in Earth Trigger use the power of the mind instead of only sheer strength. The plot is also total of surprises and potential. Too, even though the primary character is already quite strong (Kuga Yuuma), he has room for much growth and development, as do the other members and major characters.

gsdfgfdg on August 03, 2020:

belfry of god the only anime that can relate to hunter x hunter

:3 (frickin furry emoji, haha) on August fourteen, 2019:

Nah, FMA:B's one definite thing that'due south better than 2003 is the ending. 2003's ending angered me more than GoT.

:3 on July 01, 2019:

The original fullmetal alchemist has a far better ending than brotherhood.

GenDaLemon on March fifteen, 2019:

I honestly don't think any other anime could make me experience the same way as Hunter x Hunter did. The terminal few episodes, and a selected few in between, really striking me difficult. It'south unexplainable. But I call back I can settle for 2nd best. It may non exist sensible at first, but One Piece is a close 2d in my opinion. Hunter x Hunter will forever be 1 of my top 10 favorite animes, ranking number one! They know exactly when to make you weep, laugh, anger the hell out of you. It's magical.

Kappa on March 12, 2018:

Constabulary Of Ueki Seems a adept match btw

koko on Baronial 28, 2017:

I'd say boke no hero academia comes close to hxh aswell

anime slayer on Baronial 09, 2017:

are these all the animes u could get I watched all of them

Gabe on Baronial 04, 2017:

did non expect to see globe trigger on here! information technology was one of my favorite animes earlier i even saw hxh. would recomend to anyone who hasen't seen it and enjoyed hxh, unfortunately it was discontinued before information technology was finished...

RSTSpoonz on July 03, 2017:

If you like Hunter x Hunter then I highly recommend YuYu Hakusho and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood as they both requite you a similar however different feel to it, large and astonishing cast, each having their own purpose, very well done fight scenes, outstanding grapheme evolution, one-act, the thrill that only keeps you on edge and overall simply the lost and proceeds that occurs as the story progresses, both of these stories are and then well done information technology volition create the same empty void in your stomach after finishing just like HxH did.

RSTSpoonz on July 03, 2017:

And if those two don't help you then...

God can't believe I'g actually gonna say this, watch Gintama, no kidding that anime is basically every anime genre Shounen Leap has come upwards with, all though 90% of it is pure comedy that will for sure make you forget whatever is going on effectually you, it has it'southward serious moments that brand it so hysterical, it also makes very clever references to pop anime similar DBZ, Ane Slice, Naruto, etc... Worth watching if yous just feel bad.

RSTSpoonz on July 03, 2017:

If you like Hunter X Hunter as much as you lot say you do then I highly recommend watching Full Metal Alchemist: Alliance and YuYu Hakusho, it would accept too long for me to explain why you should but let'south just say later on you cease watching either of these animes yous'll feel the same emptiness left in your tummy but as desperately every bit when yous finished HxH. Trust me on that one, information technology would be a mistake not to watch it earlier you lot die, or er- Something platitude similar that.

MuHeNan on February 25, 2017:

I desire something encarmine like HxH. One Piece isn't bloody at all. The same for Naruto or Fairy Tail.

Cheeky Kid (author) from Milky Style on February 01, 2017:

@Cooper The ones listed here. I'll be calculation iii more than soon.

Cooper on January 31, 2017:

i just finished watching hxh i actually liked it. is in that location an anime that you would recommend i sentinel?

Batnay on October 08, 2016:

I've seen no game no life. It's 1 of my favorites but it doesn't compare how much I beloved hunter X hunter. It probably would have been awesome if it kept going. But no game no life is the i I'd recommend most. Magi and world trigger seem interesting but I demand something to watch for these next 3 or 5 years until a new season of hxh comes out (if he lives that long)

Anders Espeland on Apr 14, 2016:

i actually recommend everyone watching one piece fifty-fifty tho its and so long

Ellie Shields from USA on February 18, 2016:

Non surprised to see Yu Yu Hakusho on this list- it was written past the aforementioned Mangaka afterward all!

alfdkj;sdf on Oct 25, 2015:

yu yu is a must if you honey hxh

Cheeky Kid (author) from Milky Fashion on September 22, 2015:

Okay, that's your perspective. They're both chief characters though.

Sevaen on September 22, 2015:

Kuga the main character in Earth Trigger? You have to be kidding me. It is Osamu. He is the i who starts depression and advances, using mind rather than sheer forcefulness to win. The story follows his conflicts with Border. Kuga is a major graphic symbol certain, just he is more of a friend that offers a claiming for Osamu. Kuga puts Osamu's status with Border at risk, he constantly pushes him to be stronger, and forces him to learn more than. If annihilation Kuga is a friendly antagonist to the protagonist (Osamu).

laura on July 25, 2015:

I loved Hunter ten hunter :iii but Fairy tail is my favorite!!! and Log horizon could fit besides, correct?

Julio on June 05, 2015:

I'thousand new to anime and about to finish HxH, I know I'one thousand gonna exist depressed when it ends then I need new material to scout. Cheers for the list! I'd probably watch No Game No Life get-go cause it sounds kinda simmilar to SAO, I also got my eye on Magi, World Trigger and I Piece.

Derisive Kid (author) from Milky way on May 29, 2015:

Well...not really, but that depends on how you see them. :D

Nick on May 28, 2015:

Are these in whatsoever kind of order as in nigh similar Hunter X Hunter

Miran Shuleta on March 05, 2015:

Holy crap 600 episodes y'all say? Now that I'm addicted there's nothing I can do to end lol. Thanks

Cheeky Child (author) from Milky Way on March 05, 2015:

@Miran Ane Piece has a lot of episodes too. It'southward over 600 already. Naruto'southward good, and the anime's coming to an end presently (the manga's over already). And globe trigger, it's getting really interesting. It'southward on episode 19 right now. Thanks for visiting as always. :D

Miran Shuleta on March 05, 2015:

Hunter X Hunter is such a bang-up Anime. Naruto has way also many episodes, I'm not sure I have the patience to watch them all. Got my optics Earth Trigger, looks very interesting from the trailer. I've started One Slice, loving information technology already.

Cool Hub!


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